About Us
A publishing company established to publish, sell and promote all aspects pertaining to empowerment, motivation and inspiration through the writings of Lisa J. Smith.
About Lisa J. Smith

Lisa J. Smith is the author of 36 Months and Message of the Moment.
She was born in Detroit, MI and now makes her home in Ojai, CA. Lisa J. is an intuitive, medium and lecturer that works one on one with her clients, makes appearances at business conferences, women’s groups, hosts groups and workshops from 10-1000+, conducts private sessions and speaks at other various events and is often found though various media venues.
She guides and teaches people on how to work with their own intuition as well as motivation and empowerment.
Lisa J. Smith has also worked in the media hosting a national daily talk show aimed at bringing a new way of looking at the world for her listeners. She lectures on several topics from self-improvement and empowerment to the development and education of what intuition is; and is not.
Her dream is to travel the globe inspiring and uplifting people of all demographics to live in their fullest potential offer new perspectives.
Visit Lisa J. Smith at www.lisajsmith.com

info@peepspublishing.com (248) 593-5227