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"If you forget where you come from...where else are you going to go"? 

Social Media. Two little words that changed the way businesses do business, people connect, family’s stay in touch, enemies fight, religion is practiced, politics are practiced, education is taught and people heal. Through status updates we share, laugh, cry, look for support, express frustration, demonstrate, occupy space, rant, disagree, and agree. A new world has been created in an intangible place called the World Wide Web. 

Thoughts and frustrations, once hidden away under lock and key in diaries and journals, are now on public display. There was a time we would have been devastated if our deepest most heartfelt feelings were ever revealed to anyone let alone voluntarily shared. 

Today times have changed. We post on social media sites hoping for reactions from our friends, to help each other, to be heard, to be accepted and to make a difference. In this book author and intuitive, Lisa J. Smith shares with her readers a collection of her random, yet purposeful pondering thoughts, messages and feelings all over the course of 36 months. 

Each post captured a moment in time. She thought she was posting motivational tidbits of wisdom for her friends, clients, callers and listeners. Little did she know the posts she had been posting were really for her. In 2008, Lisa's life changed. Everything she once knew and loved was different. An emotional and painful divorce, a daughter moving away to college, the loss of several beloved friendships, leaving her home, going out on her own for the first time in over 20 years and raising an Autistic teenager. At the same time, she was hired by a major broadcasting company to host a live call in radio show for 3 hours everyday. While hosting her popular radio show, Lisa J. NOW, she continued to find herself in the darkest place of her life. Lisa poured her heart and soul into every minute of her time with her listeners. It helped her to become fully aware and in the moment. She began to see herself in her listeners. 

Her show was honest, inspirational, passionate and full of hopeful words. Words that in hindsight were not just for her callers and listeners, but for herself as well. The show inspired and uplifted thousands of people daily as people called in to ask incredibly personal and sometimes desperate questions. People of all ages, from all over the country, seeking closure, looking for compassion and wanting to be understood tuned in to hear what she would say. 

So how did social media posts meant for you, help Lisa heal? Why do so many people thank her daily for her posts? Her posts connect with everyone going through difficult times and looking for something positive in life to hang on too. Her life became more than she could handle at times. While everything in her once stable life changed, she also began to feel the suffering like so many others in difficult times. It was through much emotional personal pain, Lisa learned to funnel her frustrations with herself, others and life. She took social media and turned it into positive, motivational and upbeat thoughts that have helped people all over the world to look at life differently. 

Through her posts she teaches people to change their perception, laugh at themselves and find joy in the little things. Through connecting with her listeners and offering advice and motivation she learned how important it was to share her positive messages. She saw and felt how people shifted from a dark misunderstood place to a place of happiness and peace when finding a community of people to connect with. Lisa tells her clients and listeners,"Information is knowledge and knowledge is wisdom”. She realized that as much as her listeners needed words of wisdom, she did too. 

Everything we do tells a story and creates a permanent place in our history. Spend a few minutes to look back to see how far you have come.

Available through Amazon 

  • File Size: 204 KB
  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • Publisher: Peeps Publishing 
  • (March 6, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B007I8EKOE
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
  • Lending: Enabled


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